Thursday, November 22, 2012

SWF Survivor Series: The Card

Survivor Series card (not in match order):

WWE Title: CM Punk (c) vs John Cena (If Cena loses, he can't have another WWE Title match)

Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara vs The Usos

William Regal vs Ezekiel Jackson

Sheamus vs Dolph Ziggler (No DQ)

Team Del Rio (Alberto Del Rio, Ricardo Rodriguez, Epico, Primo and Fandango) vs Team Brodus Clay (Brodus Clay, Randy Orton, Santino Marella, Christian and Yoshi Tatsu)

IC Title: Kofi Kingston (c) vs Mason Ryan

World Title: Big Show (c) vs Mark Henry

Divas Title: Layla (c) w/Tamina vs Kaitlyn

Tag Titles: Kane and Daniel Bryan (c) vs Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes

PRE-SHOW - US Title: Antonio Cesaro (c) vs The Great Khali

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