Through painstaking research we have compiled a list of the 15 most powerful superstars of the week.
These rankings are made based on wins, loses, championship reigns and hunts, and overall impact that superstars make on a week to week basis. So without further Ado, here is YOUR POWER 15!!!
- CM Punk (Velocijakked) WWE Champion Last week’s spot #1
CM Punk had a great week. He beat Zack Ryder with no problem at all, proving that he is at least the best in Long Island. And If Punk’s goal is to throw Cena off his game, he just may be succeeding. Cena flipped out and smashed up a car, and assuming it was just a rental, Punk got off scot free. With such a big match coming up and with Cena mad enough to start making some mistakes, Punk may be able to prove his moniker this week as the Best in The World.
- Sheamus (Saturday Night Snap Dragon) Last week’s ranking 4
We would normally see the Great White shining the Pearly Whites at some point early in the show. But this week, Sheamus was all business. Finally appearing in the contract signing Sheamus exacted some revenge on Ziggler with a big crucifix power bomb through a table. Sheamus dominates Ziggler on a week to week basis, but the true contest is at Survivor Series in a match that will decide the de-facto top dog on SNSD. In this no DQ match, both men are sure to scratch and claw their way to victory by any means necessary.
- John Cena (Velocijakked) Last week’s rankings #4
John couldn’t be angrier, and couldn’t be more justified. The Straight Edge WWE Champion has made it his goal to make Cena as unhappy as possible and seems to be succeeding. Depending on how Survivor Series goes, Cena could Tumble or Top the rankings next week. This week, Cena beat Rey Mysterio in a classic match and had Punk running for the hills so for now, he secures a nice ranking on the Power 15.
- Big Show (Axesex Heat) World Heavy Weight Champion Last week’s spot #3
Big Show took his first beating in SWFantasy this week after being laid low by the new #1 Contender Mark Henry. While Big Show may still be undefeated, it has to shake the spirits of the World Heavyweight Champion to be so humbled going into Survivor Series. That being said, The Dangerous Viper seems to have his focus drawn away this week after Big Show knocked him out of title contention. Thinning the field is great, but there is still one BIG obstacle for Big Show this Sunday.
- Dolph Ziggler (Saturday Night Snap Dragon) WHC Money in the Bank holder Last week’s ranking #7
Dolph continues to take a beating every weak, but if you don’t take that into consideration, everything’s coming up Ziggler. Being In the SNSD main event of Survivor Series, Ziggler has shown he has his sights set high. And with the great competition in the ranks, Ziggler shows something special by rising to the top to challenge the Great White. We suspect Ziggler has something in mind by requesting a no DQ Match, but we will have to wait for Survivor Series to know what awaits Sheamus. Dolph has to be happy as well that his long time girl friend Vicky Guerrero is the new GM of Axesex Heat. Who knows what sorts of influence Dolph now wields behind the scenes?
- Team Hell No - Kane and Daniel Bryan (Axesex Heat) WWE Tag Team Champions Last week’s spot # 5
Team Hell No took some time to build team work this week, and they seemed to be getting along. But the Tag Team Title race turned out a new #1 contender this week, and the Champs haven’t been in the ring in weeks. Kane and Bryan need to remember that they won’t have avatars to protect them from the Devious Team Rhodes Scholars. And in the real world, you cant just pump your stats up to 100.
- Antonio Ceasaro (Saturday Night Snap Dragon) United States Champion Last week’s ranking #8
Ceasaro previewed his Survivor Series match this week on SNSD beating Khali after a poke to the eye. Khali now knows what to expect and will be angry. History has shown us an angry giant is a dangerous giant. But to Ceasaro’s credit, giving the big man a neutralizer is a herculean feat. While Ceasaro is by no means small, prior to this match we questioned his ability to put Khali away. Ceasaro should be confident going into this match, but one chop is all Khali needs.
- Mark Henry (Axesex Heat) Last week’s spot #9
Mark Henry is the first man to put a dent in WHC The Big Show. Laying Big Show out this week on Axesex Heat sent a true message the The World’s Strongest Man is ready and focused on the challenge of the Big Show at Survivor Series. He will need to live up to that moniker as goliaths collide.
- Ryback (Saturday Night Snap Dragon) Last week’s ranking #8
We all know Ryback is hungry but now he is angry. Wait isn’t he always angry? Maybe, but now he has good reason. Mason Ryan may have crossed the wrong guy this week. We have a feeling that Ryback isn’t the kind of man to just shrug off a loss like Mason Ryan gave him this week. But, until Ryback strikes back, he slips a little on the Power 15 Momentum Meter this week.
- Randy Orton (Axesex Heat) Last week’s spot #10
Randy Orton took a bad tumble this week. He was given an opportunity to redeem his performance two weeks ago and he couldn’t get the job done thanks to The Big Show’s interference. Loosing out on future title shots is a real career staller. Who knows when another big chance can come along for the Viper now? Orton’s addition to the 10 man Survivor Series traditional tag is sure to energize an already stacked matchup, but you have to believe that Orton was looking to stay at the main event level going into Survivor Series.
- Uso Brothers (Velocijakked) Last week’s ranking #12
The Usos got the match they were looking for. Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio will clash with the Pacific Warriors at Survivor Series. This week, the Usos tried once again to put Sin Cara out of his misery and smashed him through a table. On top of that, Rey must be feeling the pain from last night’s classic bout with John Cena. Neither man took it easy on the other, and you can be sure the Usos were watching for any hint of weakness in the Mysterious King. Our money is on the Usos and that is reflected in the Rankings this week.
- Mason Ryan (Saturday Night Snap Dragon) Last week’s ranking 14
Mason Ryan took a leap of faith this week by cheating to pass over Ryback for an IC title match. We are sure he wasn’t expecting the addition of the Ravenous Ryback to the Intercontinental Championship picture, but, I wouldn’t say crisis averted for the Welsh Weasle Ryan. Ryback is sure to get revenge. If we were Mason, we might call craft services for some help, because you’re going to have to feed Ryback something, and he’s coming for Mason to get his fill.
- Kofi Kingston (Saturday Night Snap Dragon) Intercontinental Champion Last week’s ranking #11
Swimming with two giants, Kofi might be in a little over his head. Mason Ryan showed the world his true colors this week picking up a tainted victory over Ryback. But Kofi doesn’t seem to realize the shady character he is dealing with. Let’s hope Kofi watches the tape of this match, or that someone backstage has the decency to warn him. Also, while Mason Ryan may have shaken the hornets’ nest by cheating to beat Ryback, Kofi needs to remember that Ryback’s ultimate goal right now is get his meathook into the Intercontinental Championship. Kofi may be the holder of a coveted title. But it’s hard to imagine him holding it for long.
- Rhodes Scholars (Axesex Heat) Last week’s ranking N/R
While Team Rhodes Scholars may have only won their #1 Contendership for the WWE Tag Team Championships by count out, they are still in line for a shot at the prestigious titles. Having spent the evening enraging the future Axesex Heat GM however may not have been such a great idea. But with a locked up Tag Team Title match going into Survivor Series, and a seemingly distracted pair in Hell No being the only thing standing between Rhodes Scholars and the Copper twins, things are looking pretty smart for Rhodes and Sandow.
- Ezekiel Jackson (Velocijakked) Last week’s ranking 15
One of the downsides of dominating the competition is that it paints a target on your back. Big Zeke continued his winning streak this week, beating McGillicutty in a competitive match. But, Regal, who has claimed all along to know just how to deal with Jackson, left Zeke counting his teeth after a knee trembler and a shot with the knucks. If Regal can put the big man down, we might just hand over this ranking spot to the Black Pool Brawler in only a weeks’ time.
The Un4tunate Four
In addition to the POWER 15, the Un4tunate Four is a list of 4 superstars who might want to rethink their career choices.
- Tensai (Saturday Night Snap Dragon) Last week’s ranking 4
Losing to Ryback last week is one thing, but losing to Alex Riley is another. Otunga was right, Tensai needs to snap out of it before that Japanese writing is translated to English and it says loser all over his face. I’d Sakamoto may have to start carrying a handkerchief for the big Americanese Monster to dry his post match tears in coming weeks.
- Yoshi Tatsu (Axesex Heat) last week’s ranking N/R
Yoshi came back with a new gimmick this week. But to no avail. All it took was a can of beer to knock the Faux-Red-Neck out of his Faux-Leather boots. Hopefully a strong performance in his survivor series match can wipe the slate clean for Yoshi.
- Tyson Kidd (Velocijakked) last week’s ranking U4 #3
Not only did Tyson lose to the Usos this week, he also was shown up by the veteran Regal who accomplished something Tyson and his friends couldn’t for the last 3 weeks. Regal may be right, Tyson was certainly wrong, and salt in the wounds means a painful week for Kidd.
- Jerry the King Lawler (Axesex Heat) last week’s ranking N/R
Is it fair to put a commentator on this list? Well remember, Jerry Lawler is not just a commentator. As an active member of the WWE Roster, Jerry Lawler has honor to uphold. Barrett took liberties with the Legacy of Lawler this week and Jerry should consider strongly standing up to Barrett. In words or in actions, Jerry Lawler needs to respond.
Thanks for reading this week’s POWER 15. Check back next week for updated rankings and commentary!
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